Choose Pensacola from Danial Hemme on Vimeo.
The Leadership Pensacola Class of 2009 is proud to share why so many dynamic
people and businesses choose Pensacola to live, work, and play. By presenting
some of the success stories of the Pensacola Bay Area, we hope to develop lasting
connections that will ultimately stimulate our local economy and enhance our
quality of life. We invite you to spend a moment with us by watching this video.
We invite you to Choose Pensacola. Choose Opportunity.
The mission of Leadership Pensacola (LeaP) is to develop and foster community-minded
leaders. The program is designed to help participants acquire an understanding
of the issues facing the Pensacola area, and the leadership skills necessary
to resolve them. Leadership Pensacola is a program of the Pensacola Chamber
of Commerce. The Pensacola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce is a not for profit
corporation and qualifies under United States IRC §501(c)(6).